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FiWi Access Network

ISBN-9781107003224​ - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, Feb. 2012


"The area of FiWi networks is central to the current evolution path of networks but presents significant challenges, in particular in integrating disparate systems. This book provides a cogent and highly useful exposition of the main technologies in FiWi, including not only traditional techniques, but also very recent developments such as network coding. This book is a tool both for working engineers and for researchers entering the FiWi area from the optics or from the wireless domains." - Prof. Muriel Médard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Convergence of Mobile and Stationary Next-Generation Networks

ISBN-978-0-470-54356-6 - Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, Sept. 2010


"Mobile and stationary next-generation networks that access the photonic core are destined to become as ubiquitous as traditional telephone networks. These networks must efficiently provide adequate network quality to multimedia applications with high bandwidth and strict quality-of-service requirements, as well as seamlessly integrate mobile and fixed architectures. Today's engineering students must be properly prepared to meet the challenges of next-generation network development and deployment. Featuring contributions from top industrial experts and academic professors, this authoritative work provides a comprehensive introduction to next-generation networks. It explains wireless networks such as wireless local area networks (WLAN), wireless personal area networks (WPAN), wireless access, 3G/4G cellular, and RF transmission, as well as optical networks like long-haul and metropolitan networks, optical fiber, photonic devices, and VLSI chips. Rather than focusing on heavy math or physical details, this resource explores how the technology is being used. It describes access and transport network layer technologies while also discussing the network and services aspects."


Chapter 4: "Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Networks: Technologies, Architectures, and Future Challenges"


AccessNets: Lecture Notes of the ICST

ISBN-10: 9783642116636 - Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, Oct. 2008


"This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the Third International Conference on Access Networks, AccessNets 2008, held in Las Vegas, NV, USA, in October 2008. The 30 revised full papers presented together with 5 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected. The papers present original and fundamental research advances in the area of access networks, such as hybrid access networks, passive optical networks, fiber assisted wireless for broadband access networks, carrier ethernet and the evolving access networks, wireless access networks dsl networks dynamic spectrum management (dsm) successes, plc and dsl networks, as well as access network performance."


Chapter 2: "The Audacity of Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) Networks"

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